One can pack a lot more into a day when the sun barely drops below the far mountain range for only a few minutes. In one day, we: (1) Drove from Carmacks, a village of 500 nestled at the junction of the Yukon River and one of it’s tributaries, making lots of stops for pictures for our “Wild Flower Album” and short side trips to arrive in Dawson City mid-afternoon; (2) After setting up camp, we explored the historic town and lined up some more ranger talks for the next day; (3) Washed the car – it was so filthy we couldn’t see out the window; (4) After dinner, and a “drink” of Internet, I talked Dave into heading up the Midnight Dome trail, a rounded 3000 ft mountain, to see the sights; (5) At about 10:00pm I began a painting while Dave chatted with a local First Nations woman and another photographer; (6)
At 1:00 am we were too tired to wait around anymore for the sun to really set and head back down the mountain; (7) We stopped back in town to take pics of some of the historical buildings when there wasn’t any traffic – which to Dave felt like a ghost town due to no actvitity in a time daylight; (8) Took some more photos of the sunset from the town’s perspective; (9) Finally crashed after 2:00 am — and it was still light out!
There are some more Dawson City photos in the album titled 06-19 Dawson City at the right.
Got to love that light.