I’m a Park Ranger Talk Addict

Dawson Tour Guide OK – I confess – I love Park Ranger talks – and we have found some pretty good ones as we’ve traveled! I didn’t realize that a main part of Skagway was a National Historical Park, complete with many free ranger movies, talks and walks. Although there are lots of shopkeepers ready to “mine” the tourist, similar to the way the stampeders were “mined” as they arrived in Skagway, my favorite part of visiting the historical mining towns were the park ranger talks.

In our visits to the Barkerville, BC, Skagway, AK and Dawson City, YT, I learned a lot about the gold rushes of the 19th century. Just a few facts:

Though over 100,000 set out, only 30,000 made it to Skagway.

Skagway wasn’t the destination, but simply the staging spot before crossing the Chilkoot Pass,  a steep rocky mountain, on foot, in the snow, with enough supplies to last a year.

By the time (a year later) those determined few made it all the way to Dawson City in the Yukon, the sourdoughs (local miners already working and living in the area) had staked all the claims and made their millions.

You can see a few pictures of the Dawson City area in our album titled 06-19 Dawson City at right.

2 comments on I’m a Park Ranger Talk Addict

  1. By Susi Post author

    The Park Ranger was a great speaker – with lots of information. Good work back at you – trusses set without a crane!!!!

  2. By Terry Baughman

    The lady in your pictures in Dawson City is the same one we have in some of our pictures.

    Had been wondering about how it was going. Thanks for the updates. I for one realy appreciate the updates.

    Tell Dave we set trusses on a two story house with out a crane. The crane could not get to the site. Mostly the new designs are working very well.

    Keep up the good work!!!

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