Carol and Stacy will be sweating alongside over 75 volunteers as they work together to build their homes. Stacy is a single mom, who teaches middle school. She states that qualifying for a Habitat house has advanced her dream of owning her own home by 10 years! She is thrilled that her daughter’s elementary school is only about a mile away.
Carol, a widow who lives with a handicapped son and grandchild, told me that she is from a very large family – 12 siblings. Of the 150 people among her siblings and their offspring, only 4 houses were livable after Katrina, so we can hardly imagine how over-crowded they were. Now as a cancer survivor, Carol is thrilled and relieved to know that she will have a wonderful home to move into in a month or so.
me llena de orgullo saber que mucha gente en USA y en otras partes del mundo sean parte de la gran familia de HABITAT para la humanidad para mi es un placer enorme el formar parte del cambio de la comunida al igual que muchas personas del Global Village
estoy muy encantado de saber que muchas familias mas tendran un hogar para compartir las viviencias familiares