Vote smart and easy

Project Vote Smart is a nonprofit, non-partisan educational organization dedicated to providing unbiased information to voters. With founders from across the spectrum (e.g. Presidents Carter & Ford, Senators McGovern & Goldwater, etc.), zero funding from special interests and lobbyists, and 5000 volunteers doing their work, they “battle to protect all of us from the selfish interests that strip us of the most crucial component in our struggle to self-govern – access to abundant, accurate, and relevant information.”

VoteEasy is their simple and effective tool to help us draw some initial conclusions from the data. Respond to a series of questions with your position on each of the major issues and VoteEasy shows you which candidate best aligns with your views. You can even assign each issue an importance level, and, having entered your choices just once, you can see your matches for President, Senator and US Representative. I highly recommend VoteEasy – despite the annoying airplane sound it plays in the background!